Documentation mobile app development
Key Achievements
- Reduces paper work
- Privileged document sharing
- Quick access to files
The client is a sugar producer, and is one of the top five sugar producers in the country. They are dominant players in sugar with interests in promising areas of bio – pesticides and Nutraceuticals.Their Company is exposed to the cyclicality of sugar business.
- The company’s directors will participate in board meetings as stipulated by Corporate Law and Governance.
- The directors were provided with a printed company performance documents in advance, so that they can participate in the meeting with details.
- They were planning to develop a mobile app, to provide a solution and deliver the documents electronically to the Board Directors.
- The app should be used across the group companies also as this is a group wide initiative and each company has a unique board.
- Each listed company’s document publishing will be administrated by the Company secretary. Not to be accessed by any other company. Company documents are published to a user group.
- Certain documents are open to all members of the Board of the company and certain documents pertain to a specific group only.
What We Did
- We at ANGLER developed a mobile app which allows the users to easily access the documents published.
- The power user based on the privileges (View / Download / Checkout) allocated for them.
- The users will be able to view the documents with Read / Unread / Updated status on their dashboard. They can annotate on their documents and maintain the annotations with an index view.
Technologies Used
- Avoids paper work
- Speeds up the review process
- Needs less human interventions to ensure ontime delivery of documents
- Privilege based document sharing
- Encrypted downloads of the documents ensuring security
- Annotations and indexing allowing easy access to the files from where it was left
- Highlights allowing the uses for quick access and helps during discussions